Notification of specific one-off changes in the use of the coach service

If your son or daughter uses the coach service and on a specific day requires a change (non-use of the service, change of stop, change of person collecting them, etc.), it is important that you notify us by filling in this form.

    First child

    Second child

    Third child

    Fourth child


    For security reasons and to allow a better control route changes are not permitted through this form. If a route change is required please send a request at [email protected] specifying your reasons. Please make sure the email is sent allowing enough time to be processed.

    Person reporting the incident


    Dades del Centre: Aula Escola Europea.
    Finalitat: Gestió docent i orientadora del Centre.
    Legitimitat: Normativa educativa bàsica.
    Cessió de dades: A ningú, excepte obligació legal o consentiment.
    Drets:Pot accedir, rectificar o suprimir les dades, així com exercir els drets que s’esmenten en la nostra Política de Privacitat.
    Més informació: Consulti la Política de Privacitat a la nostra web.

    Contact Us

    Av. Mare de Déu de Lorda, 34
    Barcelona 08034 T 93 203 03 54