Artistic sensitivity

Using plastic arts is one of the most natural ways children have of expressing themselves, and they all have the capability of doing so.

While students enjoy themselves creating, imagining and experimenting with different materials, we enhance skills such as observation, perception, concentration and spatial awareness. It’s also very important that the child work on the agreed picture since it helps them to structure their mind.

In kindergarten, music becomes a language and it allows them to express themselves and communicate. Children love music, they are sensitive to its language and enjoy it in every way. Music is always an experience, and experiences are the basis of learning. We learn through songs and singing, listening, quality of the sound and rhythm, movement and dance.

In primary, music plays a fundamental role in the overall development of students, as it enhances skills that are used in all aspects of learning: it encourages a habit of listening, gives value to silence, strengthens concentration, facilitates memorization and develops inner hearing and voice as a communicative element. Music enables students to discover the values of hard work and constant study.

In addition, during primary school, students learn to interpret, express and create by observing the environment, nature, and by being aware of what surrounds them. They practice various motor skills and plastic techniques to capture those ideas that grow from their imagination and their creativity.

At the end of each year, a very comprehensive exhibition is organized displaying a large selection of art work that has been worked on by all levels.

During secondary, students delve further into the various possibilities offered by plastics arts. They learn to combine sensitivity towards the visual arts with literary sensitivity based on the collaborative work that is done each year in the editing of a book that each class publishes for Sant Jordi. They also start to study the history of music and are given the opportunity to take part as performers during the Music and poetry day.

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Av. Mare de Déu de Lorda, 34
Barcelona 08034 T 93 203 03 54